3 of the Best Ways to Get a Bigger Butt


Let’s face it, ladies, we all secretly (or maybe not secretly) want those big butts. They are not only sexy – they speak of strength and determination as well. And with the warm weather of summer on its way, many of us are wishing we could give off those vibes and have our own nice round booty to show off.

Well, getting that sexy, strong big butt may not be as hard as you think. It’s not just genetics, and it’s not only for the girls who spend hours in the gym.
Nice Big Butt
Following are three of the best ways to get a bigger butt fast…

1) The Right Exercises

Of course, you will need to do some exercises. BUT, the good news is that the best exercises for getting that big butt don’t require the gym or even any equipment unless you want to add some weights. So, you can get your butt for free and for relatively little time taken from your schedule.

Here are some of the top exercises for achieving a bootylicious bum:

Jump Squats: We’re all pretty familiar with squats, and they are fantastic for building a great butt. But if you want to take it up a notch and get that big round butt fast, try jump squats.

Slowly put yourself into proper squatting position (keeping your back straight and making sure your knees don’t go over or passed your toes).

Spring from the squat into a jump straight into the air, straightening your body as much as possible, then land back in a proper squat. Repeat as many times as you can for approximately 30 seconds for an entire “set,” but be sure to keep proper form to avoid injury.

Heel Raises: A little less familiar, but still very easy to do and fantastic for rounding your butt, are heel raises.

Start in the tabletop position on your hands and knees and with your back straight. Choose a leg to start with. Drive the heel of your foot upward towards the ceiling. Make sure you keep a 90-degree angle at your knee.

Once you reach the top of this motion, hold it and exhale while you flex your gluteus muscles. Then inhale and slowly lower the knee back down, first crossing it over your other knee before bringing it to rest on the floor.

If you want this exercise to be even more productive, add some ankle weights!

Single Leg Bridges: Finally, we’ll introduce the leg bridges. These will give your entire legs sexy shape.

While lying flat on your back, put the foot of one leg flat on the ground. Then lift the other leg straight in the air with your toes pointing to the ceiling.

While you exhale, push all of your weight into the foot on the floor to raise your glutes and body into the air. Keep your body from shoulders (on the floor) to knee straight, forming a line. Flex your glutes when you reach the top of the position, then inhale as you slowly lower into the start position. Repeat 20 times per leg for one set.

2) The Right Nutrients

In addition to getting those exercises going, you can help your progress along by making sure you are consuming the right foods and nutrients.

Since the butt is made up of fat and muscle, be sure to consume plenty of:

Lean proteins (chicken, turkey, fish, eggs)
Healthy fats (fish oil, avocados, nuts, coconut oil, peanut and almond butter)

Of course, it won’t hurt to make other healthy choices as well, such as drinking lots of water, getting your carbs from fruits and veggies more than from breads, etc…

You can also use some butt enhancement cream to isolate growth in the booty area:

3) A Little Bit of Cheating (we won’t tell)

If you’re in a hurry, then you can try a few tricks to give the “illusion” of a big round butt while you wait for the above efforts to show.

For instance; try wearing tight, form-fitting jeans or pants that are meant to accentuate the buttocks. You can also try butt pads or padded underwear (yep, they exist).

Now you are armed with some of the best ways to get a bigger butt, so hop to it and enjoy a sexier bod at the beach this summer.

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